Donations to Gateway are much appreciated! We recognize the sacrifices people make to participate in the cause of saving lives. Therefore, we treat every gift given as a sacred trust,  meaning, we never take any donation, large or small, lightly. We prayerfully and responsibly use every dollar given, recognizing that it is not our money, but God’s, and to be used for His purposes and not our own. Your donation will go directly toward serving women (and men) in difficult situations, offering hope, healing, and a new life!

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Ways to Give:

  • One-Time Gift: One-time gifts of any amount enable Gateway to continue providing all our services at NO COST. We do not benefit from a client’s pregnancy decision, nor do we receive government money. All our income comes from individuals, churches and businesses that believe in what we do.
  • Monthly Pledge: Monthly pledges are the backbone of financial support for Gateway. Knowing what to expect each month helps us to budget, plan for the future and meet unexpected expenses. You can send a check each month, donate online, or set up automatic bill pay so you don’t even have to think about it.
  • Event Sponsorship: This is a great way for local businesses to support a cause while also receiving advertising for their business. Whether it’s underwriting our annual gala or sponsoring one of our smaller events, your business will be thanked and acknowledged for your support and customers will be encouraged to patronize your business. For more information, contact our Executive Director,
  • Legacy Gift: We all think about how we will be remembered after we’re gone. We want to make a difference in the world that’s lasting and impactful. One way of doing that is with a Legacy Gift. By including Gateway in your will, you will not only be remembered for your generosity, you will be helping future generations of unborn children have a chance at life. How great is that?

For more ways of creative giving or to get started, call the clinic office at (405)354-4283 or email